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Monday, June 25, 2012

Ankle Sprains: Make sure Ankle Strength Even On Both Sides!!

More soccer sprains when one ankle is stronger: study
Chicago Tribune
(Reuters) - Pro soccer players are much more likely to suffer ankle sprains when one foot is stronger than the other, according to a Greek study. Ankle sprains ...
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This is a good study of a fact that the sports medicine world has known, but little has been documented. So in order to reduce the amount of sprains in the first place, or prevent further sprains after the initial incident, get those ankles strong. The blog post on Single Leg Balancing Exercise is a great way to start. 

1 comment:

  1. This is quite interesting. Exercise is indeed a great way to start, it could build our stamina and strengthen our body muscles. It is hard at first to balance especially using only one leg, but we could learn and used to it.a


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