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Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Ankle Sprain: How to Present the Injury to a Health Care Provider

I just got back from a 6 day trip to see my son and daughter in law and grandson William in San Diego. My wife and I had a marvelous time, but it is time to get to work tomorrow. Perhaps I care share one little photo of William for my readers. 

William is 6 months old and of course I am much older

     This post is about having an ankle sprain and trying to write down all the important things to tell the health care provider when you go in for the visit. However, it could apply to any injury, and it is both for the health provider and you. After the initial pain, and maybe you are still lying there on the ground, you have to start asking why? Why me? Why now? What lead up to this injury? The answers to these and other questions can help prevent other injuries in the future.

#1  What exactly happen? Fall down stairs, land on someone's foot, etc
#2  Has this happened before? Are you prone to sprain your ankles? 
#3  Did you feel that your ankle was weak before your sprain occurred?
#4  Were you doing too much prior to the injury?
#5  Do you have good stable shoes for your ankle?
#6  Do you wear ankle braces during the activity you sprained your ankle?
#7  In what direction did your ankle move during the sprain?
#8  In what direction did your body move during the sprain?
#9  Did the sprain cause you to fall?
#10 Was a pure accident like a slip on slippery surface?

I hope these questions will help you focus on the injury to get at the cause and mechanics of the injury. Rich 

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