I have been asked many times for this information so I thought I would place it on my blog. Rich
900 Hyde Street
San Francisco , California 94109
Barry University School of Podiatric Medicine
San Francisco Marathon , 1982
San Francisco Marathon , 1983
Terra Linda High School Cross-Country Team, 1981
Lowell High School Cross-Country Team, 1981
City College of San Francisco Cross-Country Team, 1981-82
Marin Catholic High School Cross-Country Team, 1982
California College of Podiatric Medicine, American Podiatric Technique - Series V, Australian Podiatry Group, June 1989: “Examination of the Knee”, “Examination of the Hip”, “Inverted Orthotic Technique”
American College of Foot Orthopedics, Biomechanics Seminar, San Diego , CA , May 1994:
“Inverted Orthotic Technique”
“Treatment for a Supinator”
“Motion Analysis: Clinical Applications”
“Limb Length Discrepancy”
“Prescription Writing for Functional Foot Orthotic Devices”
Business Address Orthopedic and Sports Institute
Saint Francis Memorial Hospital
Personal Data Date & Place of Birth: January 9, 1954, San Francisco , CA
Spouse: Patricia A. Blake
Children: Stephen P. Blake, Christopher R. Blake
Secondary Education Riordan High School , San Francisco , CA
Undergraduate Education City College of San Francisco, 1972-74
University of California , Berkeley , 1974-76, 1981
Graduate Education California College of Podiatric Medicine, San Francisco, CA, 1976-79
Residency Programs
First Year Medical-Surgical Podiatric Residency, 1979-80
First Year Biomechanics Fellowship, 1979-80
Second Year Biomechanics Fellowship, 1980-81
Bachelor of Science, Basic Medical Sciences, California College of Podiatric Medicine, June 1977
Doctor of Podiatric Medicine, California College of Podiatric Medicine, June 1979
Master of Science in Podiatric Biomechanics, California College of Podiatric Medicine, June 1981
Academic Biography
Associate Professor, Department of Biomechanics, California College of Podiatric Medicine, 1981-83
Clinical Instructor, Department of Biomechanics, California College of Podiatric Medicine, 1981-84
Clinical Assistant Professor, Dept. of Biomechanics, California College of Podiatric Medicine, 1983-89
Adjunct Clinical Professor of Podiatric Orthopedics and Biomechanics, 1987
Director, Sports Medicine Class, California College of Podiatric Medicine, 1991-92, 1984-89
Professor, California School of Podiatric Medicine, Sports Medicine Lectures, 2011-2018
Fellow, American College of Foot Orthopedics, 1979-81
Fellow, American Academy of Podiatric Sports Medicine, 1983-present
Society Memberships
American Podiatry Association, 1979-present
California Podiatry Association, 1979-present
American Academy of Podiatric Sports Medicine, 1982-present
Current Appointments
Professor, California School of Podiatric Medicine, Sports Medicine, 2011-present
Consultant, Podiatry Tracts, 1992-present
Past Appointments
Consultant, Krames Communications, 1991-94
Consultant, Krames Communications, 1991-94
President, American Academy of Podiatric Sports Medicine, 1992-93
President-Elect, 1991
Board Member, 1987-90
Chairman, Annual Meeting, American Academy of Podiatric Sports Medicine, 1993
Consultant, Motion Analysis Corporation, 1988-92
Special Editor in Sports Medicine, Journal of the American Podiatric Medical Association, 1984-92
Director of Podiatry: City of San Francisco Marathon , 1991 (Co-Director)
Golden Gate Marathon , 1984
Golden Gate Marathon , 1983
Medical Coordinator: City of San Francisco Marathon , 1990
City of San Francisco Marathon , 1989
Board Member, YMCA Health Advisory Board, California Division, 1988-1989
Examination Chairman, Fellowship, American Academy of Podiatric Sports Medicine, 1988, 1989
Team Podiatrist, Gymnos USA Gymnastics Center , San Rafael, CA, 1985-87
Medical Editor: Strider Running Magazine, 1983
Dolphin-Southend Running Club Newsletter, 1981-84
Team Podiatrist: Greater San Francisco Track Club, 1981-83
President, American Academy of Podiatric Sports Medicine, 1992-93
Chairman, Annual Meeting, American Academy of Podiatric Sports Medicine, San Diego , CA , 1993
Biomechanics Award, American College of Foot Orthopedists, June 1979
1st Prize, Outstanding Paper in Foot Orthopedics, American College of Foot Orthopedists, June 1980
Honored Guest/Plaque Presentation for Work With Runners, Dolphin Southend Running Club, Jan. 1984
Richard Schuster Biomechanics Award,American Academy of Podiatric Sports Medicine, 1995
Richard Schuster Biomechanics Award,
Podiatry Blog: www.drblakeshealingsole.com March 2010 to present
Podiatry YouTube Channel: drblakeshealingsole July 2010 to present
“Who Gets Injured?” Running Times Magazine, March 1979
“A Survey of 1,500 Athletes -- Injury Questionnaire”, Yearbook of Podiatry, 1981-82
“A Study of Ankle Joint Height Changes with Subtalar Joint Motion”, Journal of the American Podiatry Association, Vol.71, No.3, March 1981
“Running Gait Evaluation”, Journal of the American Podiatry Association, June 1981
“Runner’s Knee Examination”, Journal of the American Podiatry Association, July 1981
“Etiology of Atraumatic Medial Knee Pain”, Journal of the American Podiatry Association, October 1981
“Low Back Pain in a Runner: A Case Report”, Journal of the American Podiatry Association, November 1983
“Theraband Strengthening Exercises -- How I Do It”, Podiatric Sports Medicine Journal, Fall 1983
“Functional Foot Orthoses for Athletic Injuries”, Journal of the American Podiatry Association, July 1985
“Inverted Functional Orthosis”, JAPMA, Vol. 76, No. 5, May 1986
“Treatment of Flexible Flatfoot - A Panel Discussion”, Jour of the American Pod Med Assn, pp 46-49, Jan 1987
“Conservative Treatment of Acute Inversion Ankle Sprains -- A Follow-Up Study”, Syllabus - National Meeting of American Academy of Podiatric Sports Medicine, Boston, MA, May 1988
“Athletic Injuries -- Orthoses vs. Surgery”, Current Therapy in Pod Surg, 296-301, B.C. Decker Publishing, 1989
“Inverted Orthotic Technique”, Syllabus - National Meeting of American Academy of Podiatric Sports Medicine, Phoenix, AZ, May 1989
“Common Sports Injuries and Their Treatment”, Foot and Leg Function Newsletter, Langer Biomechanics Group, New York , May 1989
“Walking Case Studies - Calcaneus to Vertical Angle”, 1990 Syllabus, American Academy of Podiatric Sports Medicine meeting, Miami, Florida, May 1990
“Treatment Flowsheets”, Footprints Newsletter, Florida Podiatric Medical Association, December 1990
“Achilles Rupture Protocol”, Newsletter, American Academy of Podiatric Sports Medicine, Winter 1990
“Sports Injuries - A Podiatric Approach to Prevention and Treatment”, patient education booklet, Krames Communications, released March 1991
“Conservative Management of Closed Tendon Achilles Ruptures”, Australian Podiatrist, March 1991
“Tibial Stress Fracture Flowsheet”, American Academy of Podiatric Sports Medicine Newsletter, Spring 1991
“Effect of Rearfoot Posting on Rearfoot Motion as Demonstrated by Motion Analysis”, Syllabus, Annual Meeting, American Academy of Podiatric Sports Medicine, May 1991
“The Myth of Running Limb Varus”, Journal American Podiatric Med Assn, Vol. 81, No. 6, 325-327, June 1991
“TL-61® versus Rohadur® Orthoses in Heel Spur Syndrome”, Journal of the American Podiatric Medical Association, Vol.81, No.8, August 1991
“Achilles Tendon Rupture”, Journal of the American Podiatric Medical Association, Vol.81, No.9, Sept 1991
“Foot Orthosis for the Severe Flatfoot in Sports”, Jour American Podiatric Med Assn, Vol.81, No.10, Oct 1991
“Muscle Strengthening for Chondromalacia Patellae”, Australian Podiatrist, December 1991
“Biomechanical Analysis of Running with 25° Inverted Orthotic Devices”, Journal of the American Podiatric Medical Association, Vol.81, No.12, December 1991
“Limb Length Discrepancies”, Journal of the American Podiatric Medical Association, Vol.82, No.1, Jan 1992
"The Os Trigonum Syndrome", Journal of the American Podiatric Medical Association, Vol 82, No. 3, Mar 1992
"Extrinsic Rearfoot Posts", Journal of the American Podiatric Medical Association, Vol.82, No.4, April 1992
"Achilles Peritendinitis: A Literature Review with Case Report". Journal of the American Podiatric Medical Association, Vol. 82, No. 9, September 1992
“Common Running Injuries Seen in a Podiatric Sports Medicine Practice - Part I”. Medicine, Exercise, Nutrition and Health, Vol. 1, No. 6, Nov/Dec 1992
“The Inverted Orthotic Technique: A practical discussion of an orthotic therapy”. Journal of British Podiatric Medicine, Vol. 48, No. 2, Feb 1993
“Common Running Injuries Seen in a Podiatric Sports Medicine Practice, Part 2”. Medicine, Exercise, Nutrition, and Health, Vol. 2, No. 1, Jan/Feb 1993
“The Motion Analysis System for Dynamic Gait Analysis”. Clinics in Pod Med & Surg, Vol. 10, No. 3, July 1993
“Effect of Extrinsic Rearfoot Posts on Rearfoot Position”. Journal of the American Podiatric Medical Association, Vol. 83, No. 8, August 1993
“Walking and Hiking Injuries: A One-Year Follow-Up Study”. Journal of the American Podiatric Medical Association, Vol. 83, No. 9, September 1993
“Correlation Between Limb Length Discrepancy and Asymmetrical Rearfoot Position”. JAPMA, Vol. 83, No. 11, Nov 1993
“Developing a Treatment Plan for Athletes”. Podiatry Management, February 1994
“Update and Rationale for the Inverted Functional Foot Orthosis”. Clinics in Podiatric Medicine and Surgery, Vol. 11, No. 2, April 1994
“The Inverted Orthotic Technique: It’s Role in Clinical Biomechanics”. Co-authored with Heather Ferguson, MS B App Science (Pod-Australia), Clinical Biomechanics of the Lower Extremities, Mosby-Year Book, Inc., Chicago, 1995, chapter 22, pp 466-497
“A Podiatrist’s Guide to Shoe and Shoe Insert Modifications”, Podiatry Management, October 2011, pp 131-136
“Keys to Pain Management in a Sports Medicine Practice”, Podiatry Today, Volume 28, Issue 4, April 2015
“Maximalistic Shoes: A Closer Look into the Biomechanics”, Podiatry Today, July 2017.
Speaking Engagements
“Running Injuries”, California College of Podiatric Medicine, Biomechanics Seminar, San Francisco , 1979
Biomechanics III Class, California College of Podiatric Medicine, San Francisco:
1979 (3 lectures), 1980 (7 lectures), 1981 (6 lectures)
“Athletic Taping”, California College of Podiatric Medicine, Biomechanics V Class, San Francisco , 1980
“Sports Injuries in Children”, California College of Podiatric Medicine, Pediatrics Class, 1980
“Evaluation and Treatment of Limb Length Discrepancies”, American Pod Association, Annual Convention, 1981
Biomechanics I Class, 4 lectures, California College of Podiatric Medicine, San Francisco, 1981
“Iliotibial Band Syndrome”, “Athletic Rehabilitation Injuries”, plus 4 workshops on “Knee Examination”, and 1 workshop on “Gait Analysis”, California College of Podiatry Medicine, Super Seminar, San Francisco, Mar 82
“Sports Injuries in Children”, California College of Podiatric Medicine, Pediatrics Class, San Francisco , 1982
“Rehabilitation of Athletic Injuries”, Western Podiatry College , Hawaii , May 1982
“Knee Pain in Relationship to Foot Function”, National Podiatry Convention, Chicago, IL, August 1982
“Rehabilitation of Athletic Injuries”, Calif College Pod Med, Sports Medicine Class, San Francisco , Feb 1983
“Update on Athletic Shoes”, plus 4 workshops on “Knee/Hip Examination”, California College of Podiatric Medicine, Super Seminar, Las Vegas, NV, 1983
“Physical Therapy for the Athlete”, Western Podiatry Congress, Reno , NV , June 1983
“Athletic Rehabilitation”, Los Angeles Podiatry Student Lecture Series, January 1984
“New Concept in Running Orthoses”, San Francisco-San Mateo Podiatric Society, January 1984
“Modifications for Functional Foot Orthoses, Part I and II”, “Knee Examination”, “New Concept on Running Orthoses”, “Taking a Negative Cast for Post-Operative Patients”, American College of Foot Surgeons, Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, NV, February 1984
6 Lectures on various sports medicine topics, Sports Med Class (Chairman), Calif College Pod Med, Spring 1984
“Sports Medicine Injuries”, American Academy Podiatric Sports Med, Natl Convention, San Francisco , July 1984
“Knee Rehabilitation”, “Physical Therapy Concepts”, “Evaluation of the Knee and Hip”, California College of Podiatric Medicine, Super Seminar, Las Vegas, NV 1985
“Ankle Sprains - Diagnosis and Treatment”, “Overview of Ballet”, California College of Podiatric Medicine, Sports Medicine Lectures to Junior Class, 1985
“Exercise and Your Heart”, American Heart Association, Sports Medicine Injury Prevention Symposium, May 85
“Lower Extremity Biomechanics as Causes of Injury”, SF Ortho Society/Golden Gate Phys Ther Assn, June 1985
“Functional Orthotic Control of the Severe Pes Planovalgus”, NW Pod Found, Annual Sem, Seattle , Oct 1985
“Functional Orthotic Variations”, Northwest Podiatric Foundation, Kauai, HI, October 1985
“Sportsmedicine -- Implications to Podiatry”, California College of Podiatric Medicine/American Academy of Podiatric Sports Medicine Student Chapter, October 1985
“Podiatrist’s Role in Sports Medicine”, JFK University , Graduate School of Professional Psychology, Sports Psychology Program, Orinda , CA October 1985
“Podiatry and Sports Medicine”, Riordan High School , Alumni Boosters Club, San Francisco , October 1985
“Biomechanics and Sports Medicine”, Chicago Pod Society, Study Group, 11 lecture hrs, Chicago, Nov 1985
“Knee Injuries in Athletes”, YMCA, San Francisco Embarcadero Branch, November 1985
“Rx Writing”, “Workshop on Casting and Bioevaluations”, “Basic Biomechanics”, Root Laboratory, 3-day seminar, San Diego, CA, November 1985
“Causes of Athletic Injuries”, California College of Podiatric Med, Sports Med Class, San Francisco , Jan 1986
“New Concept in Sport Orthoses”, workshop on “Ballet Injuries”, American Academy of Podiatric Sports Medicine, Seminar, Houston, TX, May 1986
“Podiatry for the Physical Therapist”, Golden Gate District Phys Therapy Assn, 2-day Seminar, Sept 1986
“Current Concepts in Sports Medicine”, podiatry stall of Hillside Hospital , San Diego , September 1986
“Biomechanical Principles in Sports Medicine”, Union Mem Hospital, 2-day Seminar, Baltimore, MD, Oct 1986
“Contraindications to Aerobics”, YMCA, Oakland , CA , November 1986
“Foot Care for the Elderly”, Saint Francis Mem Hospital, Healthwise Senior Program, San Francisco , Jan 1987
“Foot and Ankle Sports Medicine Injuries”, Natl Acad Ortho Nurses, Shriner’s Hosp, San Francisco , Jan 1987
“Rearfoot Analysis with High-Speed Cinamatography”, Root Laboratory, Functional Orthotic Seminar, Sacramento , CA , January 1987
Causes of Athletic Injuries”, “Treatment Modalities in Athletic Injuries”, “Biomechanics of Athletic Injuries”, “Foot Injuries in Sports Medicine”, “Ankle Injuries in Sports Medicine”, “The Ankle Sprain in Sports Medicine”, California College of Podiatric Medicine, Sports Medicine Course, San Francisco, January/February 1987
“Conservative Treatment of Ankle Sprains”, California College of Podiatric Medicine, Department of Surgery, Podiatric Trauma Course, San Francisco , April 1987
“Knee Injuries in Sports Medicine”, “Hip Injuries in Sports Medicine”, “Leg Injuries in Sports Medicine”, “Prescription Writing for Functional Foot Orthoses in Sports Medicine”, Sports Med Course, San Francisco , April/May 1987
“The Changes in Rearfoot Motion with High-Speed Cinematography with the Inverted Orthotic Technique”, “Prescription Writing for Functional Foot Orthoses”, Amer Acad Pod Sports Medicine, Chicago, IL, May 1987
“Sports Medicine and Biomechanics”, San Diego Podiatric Society, 4-1/2 hour presentation, San Diego , CA , September 1987
“Stretching Techniques and Principles”, “Functional Orthoses Prescription Writing”, California College of Podiatric Medicine, Palm Springs, CA, October 1987
“Knee Injuries”, American Academy of Podiatric Sports Medicine, Student Chapter, San Francisco , October 1987
“Biomechanical Examination and Demonstration”, Root Laboratory, Auburn , CA , October 1987
“Podiatric Sports Medicine”, Barry University School of Podiatric Medicine, 4-1/2 hour presentation, Miami Shores, FL, November 1987
“Clinical Biomechanics”, Union Memorial Hospital, 2-day Sports Medicine Seminar, Baltimore, MD, Nov 1987
“Introduction to Sports Medicine”, Calif College of Pod Medicine, 2-hour presentation, San Francisco, Jan 1988
“Inverted Orthotic Technique”, Cleveland Clinic, spon by Ohio Pod Med Students Assn, Cleveland, Feb 1988
“Causes of Athletic Injuries”, California College of Podiatric Medicine, San Francisco , Feb 1988
“TL-61 vs. Rohadur for Heel Spur Syndrome”, “Inverted Orthotic Technique - 5-Year Update”, Root Lab Seminar, Sacramento , CA , February 1988
“Inverted Orthotic Technique”, California College of Pod Med, Sports Med Course, San Francisco , March 1988
“Treatment of Common Athletic Injuries”, 3-hour pres, sponsored by CCPM, Lake Tahoe , CA , March 1988
“Conservative Treatment for Ankle Sprains”, Calif Coll Pod Med, Sports Med Course, San Francisco , April 1988
“Ankle Sprain Research Study -- 208 Consecutive Ankle Sprains Conservatively Managed”, “Ankle Sprain Treatment Workshop”, American Academy of Podiatric Sports Medicine, Boston , MA , May 1988
“Causes of Athletic Injury”, “Inverted Orthotic Technique”, “Chondromalacia Patellae”, College of Podiatric Medicine and Surgery, University Osteopathic Medicine and Health Sciences, Junior Class, Des Moines, IA, Nov 1988
“History Taking and Generalizations in Sports Medicine”, California College of Podiatric Medicine, Jan 1989
“Clinical Applications of Motion Analysis”, Root Seminar, Sacramento , CA , April 1989
Intermediate Lower Extremity Biomechanics Course, sponsored by Northern District Virginia Physical Therapy Association, May 1989: “General Concepts in Biomechanics”, “Extrinsic Forces to the Foot”, “Common Running Pathologies”, panel discussion; “Common Foot Injuries and Their Biomechanicsl Basis”, “The Inverted Orthotic Technique”, “Gait Evaluation” workshop, “Suspension Neutral Position Casting”, workshop
Graduation Address, University of California at Berkeley, Department of Phys Education, Berkeley, May 1989
American Academy of Podiatric Sports Medicine, Phoenix, AZ, May 1989: “Evaluation and Treatment of Ankle Sprains”, “Inverted Orthotic Technique”, “Current Concepts in Sports Orthoses”, panel discussion with Drs. Burns, Wernick and Schuster; “Ankle Sprains”, panel discussion with Drs. Lowe, Taylor, Ross and Subotnick
Pennsylvania Physical Therapy Association, Seven Springs, PA, November 10-12, 1989: “Common Generalizations in Clinical Biomechanics”, “Overview of Clinical Anatomy of the Foot and Anatomy” “Pronatory and Supinatory Gait Patterns”, “Compensatory Biomechanics Extrinsic to the Foot”, “Principles of Orthotic Prescription Writing”, “The Inverted Orthotic Technique”
“Inverted Orthotic Technique”, California College of Podiatric Medicine, Student Chapter American Academy of Podiatric Sports Medicine, San Francisco , November 1989
Australian Academy of Podiatric Sports Medicine Conference, Adelaide, South Australia, January 18-22, 1990: Keynote speech, “Biomechanics of the Foot and Leg”, Follow-up of keynote speech, “Biomechanics of the Foot and Leg”, “Kinesiology”, “Muscle Testing”, “Muscle Testing”, demonstration; “Podiatric X-ray Evaluation”, “The Gait Cycle”, “Orthotic Therapy”, “Orthotic Materials”, “Evaluation of the Injured Athlete”, “Biomechanical Assessment”, “Prescription Writing”, “Motion Analysis FootTrack Computer Video System”,
2 workshops; “Dress Shoe Orthotic Casting”, workshop
“The Sport, Equipment, and Inherent Injuries -- Running and Walking”, California College of Podiatric Medicine, Sports Medicine Course, San Francisco , February 1990
Golden Gate District Physical Therapy Association, “Podiatry for the Physical Therapist”, February 1990: “Common Office Taping, Strapping and Padding”, “Impression Casting” workshop; “Gait Evaluation” workshop
“Introduction to Motion Analysis Computerized Video Gait System”, AAPSM, Miami, Florida, May 1990
“Orthotic Devices in Athletes”, California College of Podiatric Medicine, Student Chapter, AAPSM, Aug 1990
“General Approach to Decision Making in Athletic Patient”, Sports Med Course, Calif Coll Pod Med, Jan 1991
“Current Advances in Podiatric Sports Medicine”, Veterans’ Hosp, Fort Miley, San Francisco , Jan 1991
“Physical Examination of the Athlete”, Sports Medicine Course, CCPM, January 1991
“Current Biomechanical Concepts in the Rehabilitation of the Athlete”, San Diego Pod Med Society, Jan 1991
“Muscle Strength and Flexibility Testing”, Sports Medicine Course, Calif College of Pod Med, January 1991
“Orthotic Prescription Writing, Part I”, Sports Medicine Course, California College of Pod Medicine, Jan 1991
“Orthotic Prescription Writing, Part II”, Sports Medicine Course, California College of Pod Medicine, Jan 1991
“General Physical Therapy Principles”, Sports Medicine Course, California College of Pod Med, February 1991
“Common Foot Injuries”, Sports Medicine Course, California College of Podiatric Medicine, February 1991
“Role of Rearfoot Posting on Foot Function”, “Treatment of Chondromalacia Patellae”, “Introduction to Motion Analysis”, California College of Podiatric Medicine’s “Super Seminar”, Las Vegas, Nevada, March 1991
“Common Foot Injuries, Part II”, “Common Ankle Injuries”, Calif College of Pod Med, San Francisco , March 1991
“Common Ankle Injuries, Part II”, California College of Podiatric Medicine, San Francisco , April 1991
“Common Leg Injuries, Part I”, California College of Podiatric Medicine, San Francisco , April 1991
“Common Leg Injuries, Part II”, California College of Podiatric Medicine, San Francisco , April 1991
“Common Knee Injuries and Rehabilitation”, California College of Podiatric Medicine, San Francisco , May 1991
“Proper Selection of Walking Shoes”, Institute of Sports Med, R.K. Davies Med Center, San Francisco, June 1991
“Foot Manipulation”, Mt. Zion Hospital physical therapy staff, San Francisco , August 1991
“Inverted Orthotic Technique”, American Podiatric Technique, St Francis Memorial Hosp, San Francisco, Aug 1991
“Biomechanical Control of Runners”, California College of Podiatric Medicine, Sports Med Club, Sept 1991
“Introduction to the Athletic Patient”, “Physical Examination of the Athlete”, “Treatment Generalizations of the Athlete”, California College of Podiatric Medicine, Sports Medicine Course, Spring ‘92 Junior Class, Jan 92
“Achillis Tendon Rupture - Protocol for Conservative Care”, Utah Podiatry Association/American Academy of Podiatric Sports Medicine, 1992 Snowbird Ski Seminar January 1992
“Prescription Writing for Foot Orthoses”, “Physical Therapy Techniques in Sports Medicine”, California College of Podiatric Medicine, Sports Medicine Course, February 1992
“Overview of Common Leg Injuries”, California College of Podiatric Medicine Sports Medicine Course, Mar 1992
“Overview of Overuse Injuries”, “Gait Analysis”, “Principles of Stretching”, “Principles of Strengthening”, “Proper Shoe Selection”, “Causes of Athletic Injuries/Treatment of Acute Inujuries”, Course entitled The Amateur Athlete: From Start to Finish, Stanford Hospital Nursing Continuing Education Program, March 1992
“Common Orthotic Modifications”, Allied/OSI Lab, Indianapolis, March 1992
“Ankle and Leg Injuries in Sports”, Student Athletic Trainers’ Course, Univ. of California , Berkeley , April 1992
“Common Leg Injuries, Part II”, Sports Medicine Course, California College of Podiatric Medicine, April 1992
"Running Biomechanics", California College of Podiatric Medicine, April 1992
"Conservative Treatment of Complete Achilles Ruptures", Annual Meeting AAPSM, Houston, May 1992
"Motion Analysis Evaluation for Knee Pain", "Tibial and Fibular Stress Fractures", "Sesamoiditis", "Peroneal Tendinitis", Sports Medicine Symposium, Western Podiatry Congress, San Jose, California, May 1992
"Rehabilitation Principles", Residents Lecture, V.A. Hospital , Fort Miley, San Francisco , September 1992
“Inverted Orthotic Technique”, IPMSA Mid-Winter Seminar, Scholl College of Pod Med, Chicago, Jan 1993
“Treatment for the Supinator”; “Inverted Orthotic Technique”; Achilles Ruptures Protocol”; Limb Length Discrepancy”; and “Heel Pain - Diagnosis and Treatment” Oregon Podiatric Medical Association, Winter Meeting, Bend, Oregon, February 1993
“Common Causes of Athletic Injuries” Los Angeles Coll Chiropractic Med, Postgrad Div, Oakland, May 1993
“Orthotic Modifications for the Severe Pronator”, “Evaluation and Treatment Protocol for Heel Pain”, “Conservative Protocol for Complete Achilles Tendon Ruptures”. Annual Meeting, American Academy of Podiatric Sports Medicine, San Diego , California , June 1993
“Biomechanics of Shin Pain” American Podiatry Technique, CCPM, San Francisco , July 1993
“Athletic Overuse Injuries and Treatment”, CAQ Board Review Course, ACSM, San Francisco, Aug 1993
Kansas/Oklahoma Podiatric Medical Association, Annual Meeting, Wichita, Kansas, September 1993:
“Motion Analysis: Clinical Pearls”
“Treatment of the Abnormal Pronator”
“Treatment of the Abnormal Supinator”
“Lower Leg Athletic Injuries”
“Prescription Writing for Athletic Orthotics”
“Gait Evaluation for Prescription Writing for Athletic Orthotics”
“Treatment of the Abnormal Pronator”
“Treatment of the Abnormal Supinator”
“Lower Leg Athletic Injuries”
“Prescription Writing for Athletic Orthotics”
“Gait Evaluation for Prescription Writing for Athletic Orthotics”
“The Inverted Orthotic Technique: A 10-Year Review”, First World Congress and Third European Congress of Podiatry, Brighton, England, October 1993
“Podiatric Management of Foot Disorders”, Samuel Merritt College , Physical Therapy Program, Nov 1993
“Six-Month Conservative Protocol for Heel Spur Syndrome”, course on Endoscopic Surgery for Plantar Fasciitis, California College of Podiatric Medicine, San Francisco, February 1994
Ontario Society of Chiropody, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, February 1994:
“Heel Spur Syndrome”
“Achilles Tendinitis”
“Biomechanics” (panel discussion with Dr. Sheldon Langer and Jeff Cuszak)
“Knee Examination” (2-hour workshop)
“Orthotic Prescription Writing” (2-hour workshop)
“Heel Spur Syndrome”
“Achilles Tendinitis”
“Biomechanics” (panel discussion with Dr. Sheldon Langer and Jeff Cuszak)
“Knee Examination” (2-hour workshop)
“Orthotic Prescription Writing” (2-hour workshop)
“Biomechanical Considerations in a Marathon Runner”, John Weed, D.P.M. Memorial Seminar, South Lake Tahoe , Nevada , April 1994
“Inverted Orthotic Technique”
“Treatment for a Supinator”
“Motion Analysis: Clinical Applications”
“Limb Length Discrepancy”
“Prescription Writing for Functional Foot Orthotic Devices”
“Inverted Orthotic Device”, California College of Podiatric Medicine, Sports Medicine Course, May 1994
“Six-hour Biomechanics Workshop”, at the annual meeting of the American Academy of Podiatric Sports Medicine, Scotsdale, Arizona, June 1994
Regional Meeting, Seattle, Washington, June 1994
“Treatment of Plantar Fasciitis”
“Inverted Orthotic Technique”
“Modifying Athletic Shoes”
“Inverted Orthotic Technique”, teleconference with 30 podiatrists in New Zealand, August 1994
“Modifying Athletic Shoes”, American Podiatric Medical Assn Annual Meeting, San Francisco , August 1994
“Inverted Orthotic Technique”. 4th Annual Applied Biomechanics Seminar, CCPM, San Francisco , Oct 1994
“Inverted Technique” Student Chapter of California College of Podiatric Medicine, AAPSM, November 1994
“Management of Biomechanic Pathology in the Athlete” American Academy of Podiatric Sports Medicine’s Sports Medicine Day, San Francisco, March 4, 1995
“Plantar Fasciitis” Sports Medicine Club, California College of Podiatric Medicine, April 1995
“Inverted Orthotic Technique” Sports Medicine Course, California College of Podiatric Medicine, April 1995
“Treatment of Plantar Fasciitis”, Sports Medicine Symposium, Memorial Hospital Association, Modesto , CA , April 1995
Regional Meeting, American Academy of Podiatric Sports Medicine, San Francisco , April 1996
“Heel Pain Management”
“Limb Length Discrepancy”
“Inverted Orthotic Devices”
6 Workshops on “Gait Evaluation”
“Limb Length Discrepancy”
“Inverted Orthotic Devices”
6 Workshops on “Gait Evaluation”
“Inverted Orthotic Device” Sports Medicine Course, California College of Podiatric Medicine, San Francisco, May 1996
“Biomechanics Workshop”; “Podiatric Sports Medicine 1995” American Academy of Podiatric Sports Medicine, Orlando , Florida , June 1995
“Inverted Orthotic Technique” American Academy of Podiatric Sports Medicine meeting, sponsored by Student Chapter of California College of Podiatric Medicine, San Francisco , September 1995
“Gait Evaluation”, “Conservative Management of Heel Pain”, “Common Running Injuries” National Meeting, American Academy of Podiatric Sports Medicine, Kansas City , Missouri , October 1996
“Heel Pain Management” Sponsored by American Academy of Podiatric Sports Medicine and Student Chapter of California College of Podiatric Medicine, San Francisco , February 1997
“Pearls of Biomechanics”, “Inverted Orthotics”, Limb Length Discrepancies”, “Sports Injuries” Annual Scientific Seminar, British Columbia Association of Podiatrists, Vancouver, BC, February 20-23, 1997
“Inverted Orthotic Technique and Kirby Skive”. Sports Medicine Class, California College of Podiatric Medicine, San Francisco , California , April 1997
“Knee Injuries” American Podiatry Technique Course for International Podiatrists, California College of Podiatric Medicine, San Francisco , July 1997
“Inverted Orthotic Technique and Basic Biomechanical Principles” Mercy Hospital Residents’ Lecture Series, San Diego , November 1997
“Practical Advice on Maintaining Flexibility” Fifty-Plus Fitness Association and the San Francisco Bay Club, San Francisco , May 20, 1998
“Right Fit: Orthotics and the Athlete”; “The Wide World of Orthotics”. Annual Meeting, American Podiatric Medical Association, Boston , August 1998
"Orthotic Modifications in Sports Medicine Practice" Sports Medicine Class, California College of Podiatric Medicine, San Francisco , California , October 1998
"The Inverted Orthotic Technique" Student Chapter, California College of Podiatric Medicine, American Academy of Podiatric Sports Medicine, April 1999
"Rehab Protocols for Overuse Injuries" Sports Medicine Course, California College of Podiatric Medicine, San Francisco, March 21, 2000
"Orthotic Prescription Writing for Sports Medicine" Sports Medicine Club, California College of Podiatric Medicine, San Francisco , October 2000
"Inverted Orthotic", Biomechanics Student Club, California College of Podiatric Medicine, November 2000
"Foot and Ankle - Mechanics, Injuries, Shoe Selection" Sports Medicine Course, Dept. of Family and Community Medicine, School of Medicine, University of California , San Francisco , November 30, 2000
"Orthotic Devices for Athletes" Student Chapter, American Academy of Podiatric Sports Medicine, San Francisco , March 2001
"Orthotic Therapy for Athletes" California College of Podiatric Medicine, Mare Island , Vallejo , California ,
April 2002
“Biomechanics” Sports Medicine Course, JFK University , Walnut Creek , California , November 2002
“Sports Injuries and Rehabilitation” CSPM Student Chapter, American Academy of Podiatric Sports Medicine, St. Mary’s Medical Center, San Francisco, February 2003
Workshop: “Casting for Orthotics/Orthotic Prescription”. American Academy of Podiatric Sports Medicine in conjunction with California School of Podiatric Medicine’s program entitled “Sports Medicine of the Lower Extremity”, Samuel Merritt College, Oakland, California, March 15, 2003
“Inverted Orthotic Technique”, Richey & Co Labs, Charlottesville, VA, July 2007, 2 Day Seminar
“Shoe Modifications” and “Treating the Negative Addiction in Athletes”, Western Podiatric Seminar, Disneyland Hotel, Los Angeles , June 2008
“Variations in Orthotic Therapy”, Department of Biomechanics, Samuel Merritt College , San Francisco , CA , November 2008
“Biomechanical Guidelines”, Orange County Residency Program, Los Angeles , Ca, Feb 2009
“Sports Medicine Principles”, Keynote Address, Georgia Podiatric Medical Association, Atlanta, GA, Feb 2009
“Top 30 Biomechanical Principles”, A Day In Sports Medicine, California School of Podiatric Medicine, April 2009
“Sports Medicine Introduction”, 6 hour lecture presentation, California School of Podiatric Medicine, Samuel Merritt College, January 2011
“25 Common Shoe and Shoe Insert Modifications in a Sports Medicine Podiatry Practice”, 2011 Continuing Medical Education Lecture Series, California School of Podiatric Medicine, Samuel Merritt University, Co-Sponsored by the American Academy of Podiatric Sports Medicine, April 16, 2011
“Sports Medicine Introduction”, 6 hour lecture presentation, California School of Podiatric Medicine, Samuel Merritt College, January 2012
“Orthotics for the Athlete”, California School of Podiatric Sports Medicine, Samuel Merritt University, March 2013
“Sports Medicine Introduction”, 6 hour lecture presentation, California School of Podiatric Medicine, Samuel Merritt College, January 2013
“Introduction to Gait Evaluation”, California School of Podiatric Medicine, Samuel Merritt University, March 2013
“Orthotic Modifications for RX Writing”, American Academy of Podiatric Sports Medicine, Samuel Merritt University, September, 2013
“Introduction to Sports Medicine Principles”, 4 hour lecture presentation, California School of Podiatric Medicine, Samuel Merritt University, Oakland, California, October 2014
“Walking versus Running Mechanics: What are the Differences?” June 2015, Anaheim, CA, The Western Podiarty Conference
“Running Shoes: Science and Controversy” June 2015, Anaheim, CA, The Western Podiatry Conference
“Management of Soft Tissue Injuries” 3 hour presentation, October 2015, California School of Podiatric Medicine, Samuel Merritt University, Oakland, California
“Gait Evaluation Workshop” October 2015, California School of Podiatric Medicine, Samuel Merritt University, Oakland, California
“Biomechanics and Podiatric Sports Medicine”, Two workshops, Samuel Merritt University Motion Analysis Research Center, 1st Annual MARC Symposium, November 2015, Oakland, California
“Walking vs Running:What’s the Difference?”, Samuel Merritt University, 1st Annual MARC Symposium, November 2015, Oakland, California
“Introduction to Sports Medicine Principles” 6 hours of presentation, Fall 2016, Samuel Merritt University, California School of Podiatric Medicine, Oakland, California
Biomechanics Workshops, 12 total, October 2016 through April 2017, 2nd Year Students, California School of Podiatric Medicine, Samuel Merritt University, Oakland, California
“Knee, Hip, and Low Back for the Podiatrist”, October 2017, Samuel Merritt University, California School of Podiatric Medicine, Oakland, California
“Physical rehabilitation/ return to activity guidelines- how to work with physical therapy, stretching, cross training”, November 2017, Samuel Merritt University, California School of Podiatric Medicine, Oakland, California.
“Orthotic Devices: Custom, OTC, How to Choose Modifications”, February 2018, Building Blocks for Running Seminar, UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospitals, UC Berkeley, California.
“The Runner’s Foot Examination”, 2 one hour workshops, February 2018, Building Blocks for Running Seminar, UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospitals, UC Berkeley, California.
Biomechanics Workshops, 12 total, October 2017 through April 2018, 2nd Year Students, California School of Podiatric Medicine, Samuel Merritt University, Oakland, California
“Inverted Orthotic Technique”, 3 hour Workshop, OOLAB, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, May 2018
“35 Years Experience with the Inverted Technique”, Keynote Address, Ontario Conference of Chiropody, Markham, Ontario, Canada, May 2018
“Principles of Athletic Rehabilitation”, Ontario Conference of Chiropody, Markham, Ontario, Canada, May 2018
“Using Biomechanics in Clinical Practice”, Ontario Conference of Chiropody, Markham, Ontario, Canada, May 2018