I have all of these
Golden Rules I try (many times fail) to follow in my life. I love these rules of nature, of life, of love, of soul. My
Golden Rules are sacred to me and I am miserable (or at least uncomfortable) when I break them. They extend into every facet of my life, so why not into my version of the practice of medicine. It is called the
practice of medicine may I remind you all out there. I am practicing an art with my
Golden Rules. Not a perfect art but full of the reasons that the word HEART has ART in it. These rules are sometimes taught in the medical schools, but mainly taught in the school of life. They really have no order, but society demands some bullet points, some indexing.
Every person has their own golden rules, so think of your own as you reflect on mine. One of the keys is not to compartmentalize them, thus using drastically different rules in apparently different environments--like work versus home. As I meander through them with various posts, I hope you will stop for just a second reflecting on your own similiar
golden rules.
Golden Rule of Foot #1: Treat every patient with the same respect, kindness, care, and concern.
This is #1 because it is at the very soul of medicine. If you think of your relationships with others you realize this is impossible at first glance. We are only human. We like some people more than others. Those we like we tend to treat better. Those we like better tend to get more respect, more kindness, more care, and more concern. But, we must continue to work towards this truly
Golden Rule. It is sacred. It will bring out all of the values we hold true. As you try to follow this rule with someone you really don't like, humility and emptying of self must surface. A health care provider with humility, an interesting concept!! Can it be a reality? Trying to follow this rule will allow humility to begin, and true caring to unfold. Try, fail, try again, and keep trying throughout your life.