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Thursday, September 9, 2021

5th Metatarsal Fracture: 10 Weeks into the Healing Process

10 weeks ago this military vet rolled her ankle avoiding her dog and that abrupt twist fractured her 5th metatarsal base. She was 6 weeks in a removable boot with crutches when I saw her. To protect the bone, and allow her to get out of her boot and back to activity, I made a rush of some custom orthotic devices and taught her how to use KT tape to circumferentially wrap the area. She took 10 days to painlessly wean from the boot, and has been walking for 3 weeks in athletic shoes, tape, and orthotics. Since she walks without a limp, and is controlling her pain within the 0-2 pain level parameters, I started her on an every other day walk run program. She is to email me when she gets to level 5 and then level 10. If you are uncertain about this program, you can type it into the search bar. 
     She had no pain on examination today. I felt no need to xray since the fracture line never looks great on xray for the first 3-4 months. I find I can rehab the patient based on their symptoms. 

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