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Saturday, January 26, 2013

2013 Almost Famous Shoe List

Ever year the podiatrists at my office get together and design a shoe list of stable shoes within most athletic categories. This year we have some new categories including Transition shoes for beginning barefoot runners. For the dress shoes we only mention shoe brands that have stable shoes since there is just too many. I want to personally thank Dr Jane Denton for 90% of the work and our friends at Shoes n Feet in San Francisco for their feedback. I am hopeful this helps you find the appropriate shoe for yourself. Please also see my videos on the Shoe Flexion and Shoe Stability testing. And Remember to Power Lace if the shoe allows!!! 


  1. I cannot veiw the shoe list, although I can veiw all other posts and photos.. maybe it wasn't uploaded properly.

  2. It seems you have to click on the little white box and then it will appear. Rich Sorry for the inconvenience.


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