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Saturday, August 20, 2016

Incapacitating Nerve Pain: Looking for the source is crucial

Hello Dr Richard,

Thanks for being kind to reply...

I have a chronic foot and leg pain and is now currently getting even worse...especially after some Ayurvedic medicinal, yoga and physiotherapy treatments...

It all started with a foot pain when i walk for some time or even stand up for too long...but it would stop instantly after sitting down or lying down...

now it is getting worse to the point when as soon as i get up and sitting down doesnt help much...standing at one place is worse than walking...there is constant burning, pins and needle pain especially on the bottom of the i als get swelling and knee pain especially after a long day of site/field work...
Dr Blake's comment: Pain like this tends to be nerve pain unless proven otherwise. Nerve pain produces true suffering. Please go on the calmare website site and see if there is a local practitioner in Sydney. You can start with a pain management specialist. Also, consider buying a simple machine called Quell. Go to to see what it is all about. Of course, these are medication free techniques. You may need gabapentin, elavil, etc. 
Unfortunately, it looks like Calmare is not yet in Australia.

now swelling has stopped since not at work for last 4 weeks...but will be back to work from next week...

i have no back pain at all, but one Dr found a pressing of spinal cord in my lower back...which can be cured by exercise as per his recommendation...
Dr Blake's comment: Yes, this could be coming from the back, and this is why you need a new pain person who can investigate the source. 

also i cant even carry small things like grocery, laptop as it makes the pain worse and begins immediately...
Dr Blake's comment: This is a great clue that it could becoming off your back or neck. 

i will try to send all my reports in next email... im currently taking some Ayurvedic medicines which is mainly for arthitis related pain and repairing digestive systems...

also one dr suggested that the mri/ct scan may not pick this up as i'm in lying down position when there is no there any other way to find the exact cause of this?
Dr Blake's comment: Typically nerve conduction studies with EMG can find the source. Yes, unfortunately, MRIs of the spine only show advanced problems. Slight bulging discs may not be seen when you take an MRI in a spine neutral position. 

also i had a stress fracture just prio to all this started ..only in the right has completely healed as per reports...

Dr Richard, it has been 5-6 years now, and i'm in extreme pain...this has ruined my career and family life ...i dont want to give up so only 34 with a wife and 2 year old more on his way...

i beg you to help me and cure my condition...i live in Sydney...
Dr Blake's comment: I am so sorry for your problem. You need to see a minimal of 2 pain specialists to see what is out there for you. You may have to travel to get the 2 weeks of calmare treatments, but that is probably premature. You need to find someone who will look at possible sources of this problem being above the sore areas. I hope this helps. Rich


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