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Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Clinical Biomechanics for Podiatry Series (Post #4):Taking a Good (Biomechanics) History

This is where it all begins in the doctor/patient or therapist/patient relationship. The time spent here discussing the historical facts of an injury or pain syndrome, and important contributing factors, can be vital in the success or failure of treatment. Why is it so vital? Followup visits work off the success or failure of the treatment plan set on that first visit. If the information collected is inadequate, the entire sequence of events following may be subpar. I refer the reader to a post I did earlier on giving a good history. Please review it now before we go further.

The biomechanics history related to injuries is looking for patterns or facts that can cause injuries to occur. Here are some of the many questions that normally get asked, or at least you should add to your thoughts prior to seeing a doctor or therapist. These include:

  1. Do you know if you have a short leg?
  2. Do you believe you have weak or tight muscles in general, or around the injured part?
  3. Do you have loose ligaments in general?
  4. Are you right or left-handed?
  5. When you were a child did you have to wear braces or shoe inserts?
  6. Have you ever been prescribed shoe inserts?
  7. Have people told you that you walk or run funny?
  8. What has your history been of overuse injuries (nontraumatic)?
  9. How all or most of your injuries been to one side of your body?
  10. Do you have high arches, flat feet, bow legs, knock knees, bunions, hammertoes, or other abnormalities?
  11. Do you have any arthritis from your hips downward and wear?
  12. Do you feel unstable in any joints?

A skilled practitioner knows the relevancy of the answers. The answers will help point the course of treatment in the right direction. 

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