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Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Sports Medicine 2014 Lecture Quiz

Here are the questions for the 2 sports medicine lectures by Dr Richard Blake at the California School of Podiatric Sports Medicine October 2014.

1.     What are the 3 Phases of Rehabilitation that patients progress through with any injury? 
2.     When a patient reaches full function, but is still experiencing 0-2 pain, they are considered how much  better?    


3.     When a patient has a sore foot and you can design a foot pad to off weight the area, what is this part of the rehabilitation process called?

____________________ Bearing

     4.  What are the 3 types of pain that patients can experience?

     5.  Gait Evaluation can be the key to the mechanical cause of an injury. What are 5 common categories seen in gait that could be tied to an injury?


     6.  With the "Weakest Link in the Chain" concept, one patient can over pronate and get knee pain, another over pronate and get plantar fasciitis, and another shin splints. What would be 2 other causes of plantar fasciitis other than over pronation that could make it the weakest link in the chain?


     7.  In a sports medicine practice will you see more acute injuries or overuse injuries?
     8.  List 3 common causes of a stress fracture in a runner.


      9.  What do the initials for the KISS principle stand for and how does apply to a patient with pain for 2 weeks in their foot?

A)     K---
B)     I---
C)     S---
D)     S---

     10.  What does PRICE stand for?

A)   P---
B)   R---
C)   I---
D)   C---
E)    E---

     11.  When is pain BAD (versus GOOD)?

     12.  When there is a partial tear of a tendon, what is the grading and is it a sprain or strain?            
                   _Grade __________________________

     13.  Can Achilles Tendon Ruptures be successfully treated without surgery?

     14.  Any time you are dealing with a broken bone what vitamin deficiency should be considered?

     15.  What injury may involve Gerdy's Tubercle?

     16.  What ankle motion is most effected in a High Ankle Sprain?

     17.  Can you stretch the achilles tendon better at the MT junction or at it's attachment?

     18.  How do you strengthen the soleus differently from the gastrocnemius?

     19.  How do you strengthen the peroneus longus differently from the peroneus brevis?

     20.  What is the time difference of an acute vs subacute vs chronic injury?
A)   Acute---
B)   Subacute---
C)   Chronic---

     21.  If a ballerina tends to sickle her foot en pointe (supinate), how can she develop a fibular stress fracture?

     22.  In evaluating leg pain for compartment syndrome, what is the normal resting pressure of a leg compartment?

     23.  In treating runner's knee, what quad muscles needs strengthening and which one stretching?

     24.  When evaluating heel pain, try to initially decide if it is plantar fasciitis. What should be in the differential?


     25)  What area is primarily injured in Turf Toe?

     26)  What are the 3 common positive effects of wearing high heel shoes?


     27)  When watching someone walk, which leg may be longer when dominance to the left side is seen?

     28)  What are 11 common injuries seen related to excessive supination (start at the forefoot and work upward)?


     29)  What are 15 common injuries seen related to excessive pronation (start at the forefoot and work upperward)?


      30)  As you progress from the Immobilization Phase, through the Re-Strengthening Phase, into the Return to Activity Phase of Rehabilitation, a gradual Walk/Run Program can be vital. What is level 5 and level 10 of a 30 minute program?

                    Level 5---

                    Level 10---

     31)   Following an low ankle sprain, what determines how long you wear an ankle brace?

     32)  A patient was running yesterday and got sharp pain in the top of his metatarsals. He had to limp several miles back to his car. That night the foot became swollen. What is your primary diagnosis? What dietary issues should you discuss?

     33)  A runner with medial knee pain for 5 days and excessive pronation in gait. What would be 5 KISS type treatments that may resolve the situation that you could recommend at the first visit?


     34)  Athletes in the Return to Activity phase are moved from one drill set to another, each adding time and complexity of movement. The goal is to move towards the skills they need for complete return to their sport. As the complexity increases, and the pain returns, how long in general should you wait to try that activity again?

     35)  What is cast disease?

     36)  When should you start a patient strengthening following an injury?

     37)  Cross Training is vital to keep strength, cardio, emotions, and  flexibility. Would an injured ballet dancer with knee pain get better cross training with running or swimming?

     38)  We are doctors of motion!! Movement is one of the secrets of a quality life. Treat all your patients like athletes in regards to keeping them moving, as long as you do not risk harming them. What would be one difference in treating an 80 year old vs a 40 year old?

     39)  When dispensing a new pair of orthotic devices, why is it important that you watch them walk in them before allowing them out the door? 

     40)  Thank you for allowing me to teach you some things. What does BRISS stand for and how would you use it in posterior tibial tendonitis? 

                      A)   B---
                      B)   R---
                      C)   I---
                      D)   S---

                      E)   S---

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