This image reminds me how poorly I exercise. Being in sports medicine my whole life, you would think I was better. But, I have my weaknesses, and one is spending too much time on activities which will strengthen my legs, and not enough on other parts needed to be healthy. We can all create even better lists, but here is my stab at the perfect health program checklist. The components are:
- Healthy Diet
- Good Hydration
- Proper Sleep
- General Health (including checkups, dental hygiene, scheduled tests)
- Leg Strength
- Balancing (called Proprioceptive)
- Abdominal or Core Work
- Upper Body Strength
- Flexibility Work
- Standing Strength Poses (Yoga, Tai Chi, Chi Gong)
- Cardio
- Proper Recovery Time
- Great Mental Attitude towards Injury Free Activities
I am quite sure I have left out a few areas on the tip of my tongue (sort of speak).
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