The Law of Parsimony: When multiple explanations exist, the simplest one is usually correct.
This is my first post being inspired by the Mediterranean Sea along the coast of the Italian Riviera (this time from Diano Marina, Italy).
As I watched the Mediterranean Sea and read Dan Brown's Deception Point thriller, on page 238 he mentions the Law of Parsimony. This is a common law utilized in medicine; a good starting point in the treatment of injuries. I will use the Law of Parsimony in this post to describe the common starting point of treatment based on the commonest cause for several injuries listed below. If you have one of the injuries mentioned below, make sure that your treatment is addressing this issue.
Achilles tendinitis--tight achilles tendons
Plantar Fasciitis--inadequate arch support
Recurrent Ankle Sprains--weak peroneal tendons
Chondromalacia Patellae or Patello-Femoral Dysfunction--weak vastus medialis
Ilio-Tibial Band Tendinitis--tight Ilio-Tibial Bands
Morton's Neuromas--tight front area of your shoe or boot
Posterior Tibial Tendinitis--excessive pronation
Bunion Pain--tight front area of shoes
Metatarsal Area Pain--development/increasing of hammertoes (see post on Budin Splint)
Peroneal Tendinitis--lateral instability in shoes
Generalized Arch Pain--weak intrinsic foot muscles
These are great starting points to treat these injuries. In many cases, it will take awhile to get weak areas strong, tight areas flexible, and correct biomechanical and shoe issues. Other treatments will be used to address anti-inflammatory concerns, and less common causes of the same injuries at the same time to hopefully sped healing along. See the post on Tips for Bunion Care as a good example. Thank you Dan Brown and the Mediterranean Sea for this inspiration. Now off to a great pasta or seafood dinner.
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