The work I do I think is important. Sometimes I think it is so important that I lose sleep worrying over my patients, and what I need to do, and whether I will get it right. Sometimes, this attitude is very counter productive, and I get grumpy, irritable, and begin to work my self to a quick grave. Podiatry is my passion, but passions can overwhelm you. Passions can break you down. When a good friend sent me this video about the Humor of Ronald Reagan, while he was the President of the United States, one of the most serious demanding jobs in the world, I had one of those ah-ha experiences. Never lose humor. Never lose your self humility. Get rid of that feeling of how important you are, just do your best every day. Relax more, enjoy your friends and family more. Set your priorities better (of course, I am only talking about myself!!)
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