The Medical Board of California is encouraging overworked physicians, like myself, to read a good book entitled: The Fatigue Prescription: Four Steps To Renewing Your Energy, Health, and Life by Dr Linda Hawes Clever. After some review, and after personally failing the Renew-O-Meter, I felt it probably applies to alot of my readers also. Please look at the 2 links below and take the test to see where you stand. If you are recovering from an injury, you need to get some balance back into your life to heal well. If you have upcoming surgery, you will need some balance to handle the demands on your life. If your kids are growing older, and you are only watching from a distance, renew now!!! If you are planning an important event in one or two years that will consume alot of your time and energy, get in balance now. Hope someone, maybe even me, is helped by Dr Clever's thoughts.
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