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Sunday, December 18, 2011

Bunions: What the top covers on your orthotics should not look like!!

I am getting a lot of mileage out of these inserts for my blog since they tell a great story. Orthotic devices are used all the time for long term preventative care of bunions. If you look at the wear pattern of these insoles recently removed from the top of a pair of orthotics for refurbishing, you will see that there is way too much pressure under the first metatarsal. This pair of orthotics will not prevent bunions, they may speed up the formation of bunions. There is too much pressure under the first metatarsal which makes the bunion worse. Golden Rule of Foot: If you are designing a pair of orthotic devices to  slow down the development of bunions, you must shift the weight under the arch and into the center of the foot. We have to say that the majority of the weight on this pair  is on the first metatarsal which is not good for bunion care. A redesign of the orthotics is in order. Also, this brings up the point of when to refurbish the orthotic devices. I believe that once a year ideally, the patient should relinquish their orthotics for several days for analysis of the wear pattern on the top covers and posts, and then for refurbishing. As a patient, you should make sure you tell the office that you want the doctor/therapist to look at the wear patterns, before refurbishing is done (normally by a technician). 

1 comment:

  1. Yes, but if the patient with Hallux VAlgus has a supinated or varus forefoot with a pronated rearfoot..., when I try to neutralice valgus heel then the first metatarsal head elevates. So,should we fill this area in the orthotic in order to aproximate the floor to the first elevated metatarsian?

    Sorry with my english, I write from Spain and I´m pleased with yor blog, congratulations


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