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Saturday, October 17, 2015

Sesamoid Injury: Followup on Long Conservative Care

This kind young man, injured his sesamoid 3 years ago, had some ups and downs, has avoided surgery, and wanted my readers to know what he had discovered. Thank you. 

Hi Richard,

I hope you are well. I haven't been in contact for quite a while. Been trying to solve my pain and I think I got some results...fingers crossed...

Here's what really helped me I think:
  • orthopedic soles made to measure by podiatrist.
  • flat shoes (this model:, with thin and loose socks to minimize pressure (no thick socks like tubes etc.).
  • no walking/running for several months. I basically used a car or a bicycle to go to office (with pedals under the back of my foot/heels level so no pressure on ball). This enabled me to stay pain free for several months in a row and I think it helped a lot. I think cycling is great as it enables you to do cardio workout without triggering pain.
I can now run 40 mins with my soles in good running shoes (Asics). Not 100% fixed but a big improvement compared to a few years ago....I hope this will help other patients, this injury truly is a massive pain (both physically and morally).

Thanks much again for all your work and assistance and don't hesitate if you want more details.
Best regards, 

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