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Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Cold Feet: Have you tried Toasti-Toes?

As the weather gets colder, toes can take a beating. Many people also suffer from conditions that make their toes painful in cold weather, or always cold and uncomfortable. HeatMax has their Toasti-Toes Foot Warmer pads that produce enough heat each for up to 7 hours. They definitely are worth a try this winter. They comfortably attach to the inside of your socks so they are against your skin. The best deal is the one to your left. I hope this will help.

I want to thank my patient Arielle for her high recommendation of this product.

Toasti-Toes which have been removed from Arielle's socks for this photo opt.

PS. Have any of my Boston Area followers seen my son Chris and his gal Liz. This photo is from Sunday's blizzard 12-26-10.

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