12-1-10 Phone Call from a great son-in-law looking for help obtaining a wedge to help with over supination for his mother-in-law. Advised to email specifics.
Dear Dr. Blake,
Hi. Thank you very much for returning my call. I appreciate it and I apologize that I was unable to answer when you called; my schedule has been filled with a lot of meetings the past couple of days....
Basically, the type of shoe insert that my mother-in-law needs is similar to the attached photo that I found in a sports journal article, and also is similar to what you have on your website (http://www.drblakeshealingsole.com/2010/06/help-for-supinators-lateral-shoe.html) except that the one on your website goes in on the outside of the shoe and what she needs is an insole that gets inserted into her shoes. The reason is that her legs have become bow shaped (like parentheses) and she has pain in her knees; her doctor has suggested the use of this type of insole so that over time the pain is lessened and the bones begin reshaping and move inward.
If I'm not mistaken, this is called a Lateral Foot Wedge (correct?), that according to her doctor would be about 1 cm at the thickest side at the outer edge of the foot where the little toe is, and gradually thins out as one moves toward the big toe. My mother-in-law lives overseas and I'm flying to go visit her and the family on December 10th, so I'm hoping to have something in hand before then to take with me.
Some more information in case it helps:
Her shoe size: European size is 37, which corresponds to 6.5 American size.
Type of shoes she wears: For going outside, she wears Dr. Scholl's medical shoes (flat bottom with a bit higher ledge than regular shoes). For inside (where she spends most of her time) she wears plastic home slippers with flat bottom that are closed in front (it'd be great if the insoles would work for these considering that the back side of these is open, I believe).
I'll give you a call later to get your invaluable advice. Also, since you mentioned that you can make one of these for her, can you please let know how much it'll cost for a pair?
Thank you enormously and best wishes,
Ramin .
12-3-10 Email from me back to the great son-in-law
Finishing inserts now how do I get them to you rich
Email from the great son-in-law
Wow, that's amazing! Thanks so much for your expert and invaluable help. If possible, please send the inserts to my address:
12-7-10 Email
Hi. Thanks very much for your follow up.Yes, I did receive them yesterday. I'm flying out on Friday and will take them with me. My wife and I will be back in early January and I'll definitely get in touch after we get back.
My mother-in-law sent her regards and asked me to thank you enormously for your help and kindness.
Wishing you and your family a great holiday season and a happy new year,
Editor's Note: Poor Supinators get a bad deal since the shoe world never addresses their issues. They need a good support group. These wedges I made should help her. I made 2 pairs, one to send back if there was some problems that I could adjust and mail back. See the links below to other supination posts.
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