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Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Inverted Orthotic Technique: Heel Contact Point

Hi Dr Blake,

I am an orthotist working in Ireland,

Hope you dont mind me dropping you an email, I have a query regarding your inverted device.

On the website you make reference to marking the lowest point on the heel (on positive cast).
What exactly do you mean by this, is this the most convex point on the heel (fatty pad) when viewing laterally?

Looking forward to your reply

Kindest regards


Dear Declan,  Thanks for your patience with my response. I hope these 7 photos explain. If not, please comment and I will give it another try.

For those who do not know, I invented the Inverted Orthotic Technique in 1981. Most of my patients over the last 30 years are in some version of this technique, although Root Balance Technique and the Hannaford Technique are also used quite frequently.

Here an uncorrected left foot positive cast with no forefoot to rearfoot abnormality is resting vertical on a platform.

A grease pencil is used to mark up a surface and then the heel area of the positive cast is rubbed over the area with the foot being held vertical.

Here is the mark that was transferred to the positive cast of the lowest point on the heel with the heel in a vertical position.

Here is the same mark on the bottom of the left foot showing the more of the foot for better visualization.

Here is this same foot with the anterior platform nail to set the positive cast to a 30 degree Inverted position.

Here the left foot heel area of the positive cast set 30 degrees with the lowest point on the heel now moved laterally.

Here the lateral mark is demonstrated (further right in the photo) by the same method above.
Declan, I sure hope this helps. Rich Please send more questions about orthotic techniques.

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