Hi Dr. Blake,
On July 8, 2014, I was filling my car up with gas with the automatic trigger on when the gas nozzle rocketed upwards and then nose dived onto the top of my right foot.I've attached the x-ray that indicates the break and a picture that I took of the hit within minutes at the gas station.
What is your recommendation?
Dr Blake's response:
Hey Sharon, how did you know Roy? He was an unbelievable person. I get great joy, and sadness, looking at him every time I open my blog. What a loss!! You definitely have a bad break, which takes a long time to heal conservatively, and yours will heal crooked. I would have that rebroken and fixed once the swelling is gone. With your athletic goals, I would not take a chance at poor healing. The 2nd metatarsal takes the most pressure at the start of push off before the weight is transferred to the big toe. You need this stable and strong. It will heal in 6-8 weeks with surgery and 6-8 months possibly without surgery, even if you get a bone stimulator to use. But, you will need to be off running alot longer than that. I hope this helps. Let me know any thoughts or what happens next. Good Luck. Rich
And the patient's response:
Hey Dr. Blake,
Thank you very much for sharing your expertise.
Dr. Donald Baxter, the famous doctor regarding Baxter's nerve entrapment, examined me last week as I live in Houston, Texas. He generously spent 45 minutes with me but, at the end, was a bit conflicted so we agreed that the best plan of attack was to seek other experts' opinions. We were leaning towards surgery but figured waiting another week would not hurt.Thank you very much for sharing your expertise.
I look forward to updating you later this week.
With my kindest regards,