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Wednesday, December 21, 2022

To My Podiatry Family: Thank You

     What do I mean by Podiatry Family? The longer you practice, the more your patients become part of your family. They are my friends, and family, teachers, and much more. They make me laugh, cry, stress out, work hard, and be truly human. They have simple problems, and incredibly difficult ones. They come in all forms, and some relate to me and others not. I have so much loved to treat my patients that keep coming back, then the ones that come once or twice. I guess I love the relationships that need time to simmer. I succeed in helping most (I think), and am saddened when I can not. I have performed miracles (in the patient's eyes), and given such painful advice or injections that make patients run! I typically mean well by my patients, and hope that they feel my concern. 
     I have told all of my patients that I am retiring from full time practice in January. Since the patients I am treating are family, what sin am I doing? It is time for me, but my heart sinks at the thought. Each kind word from a patient about how I may have helped them, in one sense means I am deserted them, turning my back. Wow!! It will take me months or years to find some peace. For, you see, I love my Podiatry Family. They are my life, I have tried to take care of them, help them, and they in turn have helped me grow. I have suffered with them, I have rejoiced with them, and they know that they have been able. to count on me. I am sorry and sad to say good bye. I love you and you have enriched my life. I thank you from the deepest part of my being. Medicine is a business, but medicine is an incredible journey of souls towards health affecting both physician and patient alike. Thank you. Rich 

1 comment:

  1. Rich, you have expressed yourself so eloquently, and it shows the kind of soul that you have, and the kind of podiatrist that you been to your “family. I knew from the moment I came into your office that you were a very special person and I will always hold you close to my heart, for I have great respect for the kind of human being that is you. Go my dear friend now, and explore other treasures in life. Always know how much you have meant as you practiced your magic. With great fondness, Jocelyn Blum. .


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