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Tuesday, December 6, 2022

Dr. Rue Tikker demonstrating Foot Manipulations

     Dr Rue Tikker practiced Foot Manipulation. He taught his Podiatry Partner Dr. Timothy Shea, who then taught Podiatry Students at the California College of Podiatric Medicine. I use some of these manipulations (called Grade 5 Mobilization) in my practice 40 years later. I thank Dr. Eddie Davis for finding this old video. 

More about Dr Timothy Shea


  1. I also had a great experience learning directly from Dr. Tiker when as a 4th year podiatry student at CCPM I spent three weeks at his office learning hands on. I have used Hiss manipulation for 48 years now and it is the main treatment for most foot problems! I regret that I cannot find any of the books of Dr. Martin Hiss 'Functional Foot Disorders.'

    1. I am so glad that we have had this incredible shared experience. Rich


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