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Monday, July 9, 2012

Paraffin Dip: A Wonderful Help for Foot Soreness

Dr Blake's comment: This is a wonderful email for my long time friend and a patient who suffers from terrible arthritis in her feet. Her Physical Therapist set her up with this and now it is a daily home program. I hope it can help many patients who suffer from foot and ankle pain on a daily basis. Thank you Tam!!

Hi Rich,

This is the process I use to do the paraffin dip on my feet:   my machine holds six 1-lb. blocks of medical grade paraffin.  I buy this at a local medical supply store. 
First, I test the melted wax to see if it’s warm (not hot) with my wrist. 

If it feels okay, I go ahead and dip my foot into the wax, and quickly remove it, holding it out each time about 5 seconds just to allow for the coating to set a bit, and then I repeat this dipping process  5-8 times.  The wax builds up onto the foot and creates a warm, and soothing heat that penetrates into my foot much more than if I just soaked them in warm water. 

This is what the foot looks like after 8 dips:

I keep the wax on as long as it feels warm to my foot (under the wax).  The wax itself will start to feel cool to the touch but you will still feel the heat on the foot as the wax does a great job of holding that heat in.  I usually leave it on 20-30 minutes. 

When I am finished, I insert my finger under the wax to start the peeling process.  It comes off really easily.


It has the added benefit of adding great moisture to the skin!

Since I am the only one using this wax, I can place the used piece back into the machine, which will re-melt it, and it will be ready for me the next time I need pain relief.  I leave mine plugged in, on the kitchen counter with the lid on.  I leave the temperature on “medium” but check with your machines instructions to guide you.

This is great to use first thing in the morning, before a walk, to warm-up sore feet.  You can follow it with stretches or foot exercises as well.  I try to ice my feet after I’ve completed my physical activity to help with any swelling that might occur.

Lastly, it feels really good at bedtime if your feet are sore from the day.  If you want to dip further up the foot, such as the ankle area, just melt more wax into your machine. 

I hope this will bring others the relief it has brought to me!


  1. As for a treatment I had to use ice packs and alternate that with a heating pad, that worked for me; however, we are two different people so we have different ways of healing.

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  3. I have a plate & 10 screws in my ankle, can i still use the wax treatment ?

    1. As long as the wounds are closed, there is no problem using deep heat. Good luck! Rich

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