Excellent article about Morton's neuroma which has plagued me for six years. Had some success with alcohol injections, but my podiatrist moved to Kansas before completing series of shots. Replacement podiatrist doesn't believe in their value. Can you recommend another doctor in Wilmington, NC? The pain is severe after 45 minutes of hiking which is my passion. Prefer NO surgery. Also, your search function on my iPad keeps taking me back to the same article when I try to access potential treatments you recommend. Thank you for any help with identifying a doctor who,shares your values and expertise.
Dr Blake's response:
There are the podiatrists in North Carolina from our national Sports Medicine Academy--AAPSM. They are normally the best place to start.
Christopher J. Gauland, DPM | | 2140 West Arlington Blvd.
Ste. D | Greenville | NC | 27834 |
William J. Johncock, DPM - Fellow | 828-327-3029 | 419-B 2nd St. N.W. | Hickory | NC | 28601 |
Robb A. Mothershed, DPM | | 3057 Trenwest Dr. | Winston Salem | NC | 27104 |
Jeremy Thomas, DPM
Website | 919-851-3435 | 204 Ashville Ave Ste 40 | Cary | NC | 27518 |
There are some of the other articles on Morton's Neuromas, but many more throughout the blog. Sure hope this helps. Rich
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