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Sunday, October 17, 2010

Toenail Fungus: Summary of Various Treatments

The following are some key points in treatment.
  1. Do something every day to help and change the environment the fungus lives in.
  2. Develop daily, weekly, and monthly routines as the battle can take 1 or 2 years.
  3. Understand that if the root cells under the cuticle are damaged, the nail will never look right.
  4. Monthly disinfect your shower stall.
  5. Weekly put foot powder in the ends of the shoes you wear on a regular basis, removing all inserts from these shoes and let these air out over night.
  6. Weekly use a pumice stone or emery board, and file the tops of the nails to open up to air. Fungus lives in anaerobic environments. If your nails are real thick, you must keep them as thin as possible. I will have a post in the next few days on Carmol 40 Urea Occlusion Technique which is designed to remove all bad nail in these very thick nail situations. You can talk to your doctor about this technique.
  7. Daily apply tea tree oil, Vick's Vapor Rub, white vinegar, or one of thousands topical anti-fungal creams/lotions. This should be done twice daily.
  8. 2 or 3 times weekly use 2 cups of white vinegar in 2 cups of warm water (bigger amounts of the same ratio if needed) and soak your toes in a basin for 30 minutes. If you time it before you shower, you can get the salad dressing smell off.
  9. I am presently recommending laser treatments (work 50% of the time and expensive) before any consideration of oral medications like Lamisil.
  10. Ah, Chihuly!!
  11. If you and your doctor are considering oral medications, try Lamisil pulsed. You can read about it in other posts within my blog. It is taken 7 days per month for 6 months. This is less likely to cause side effects over taking daily. However, Lamisil is not benign and can cause serious side effects. Have a long conversation with your prescribing doctor before taking. Sporonox, which used to be my go to drug for this, has been black labelled due to side effects such as this. 
If you have had enough of toenail fungus, and I do not blame you, try listening to Kapena from my recent Hawaiian trip. My gift to you.


  1. Dr. Blake,

    These are very effective tips to treat Toenail Fungus. The facts that you present are vary honest and all true. Toenail Fungus is a battle and many times it takes very specialized treatment applied over a ling period of time to win the battle.

    Thanks for a great article.

    -Dr. Bob Baravarian

    1. In this video I share with you a natural remedy to cure toenail fungus as well as tell you how you can prevent yourself from getting a toe nail fungus and other tips. This natural treatment also cures finger nail fungus.Flexitol Nail Cream

    2. If you have had enough of toenail fungus, and I do not blame you, try listening to Kapena from my recent Hawaiian trip. My gift to you.Dermal Therapy Fungistop Reviews

  2. Bob, Thank you. I am looking for methods so we can avoid oral medicines. I hope the laser will prove effective, but I think it will take 2 plus years to find out if that is helpful/not harmful. The info presents safe methods which are predictably effective--given enough time. Rich Blake

  3. Rich,

    I also avoid Lamisil and Sporanox Pills. The health risks outweigh treating Toenail Fungus. I have done limited research on the Laser Treatment. From what I have gathered, I propose a dual treatment where patients have one Laser treatment and pair it with a specialized Anti-Fungal Lacquer.

    My thought process around this dual treatment is that ultimately the Laser will not zap all the fungus. Utilizing the lacquer will prevent fungus reinfection, catch any "spots" that the laser may have missed, promote growth of a new healthy nail, and moisturize the skin around the toenail and the foot.

    -Bob Baravarian

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