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Thursday, July 30, 2015

A Happy Marathoner: A Podiatrist's Good Day's Work

This was a nice email from a patient that worked with me to be able to run the SF Half Marathon (from injury to 13.1 miles!!). This is the gratification both the patient and doctor feels in seeing this through from start to finish. Running a Full or Half Marathon for the first time is an amazing athletic feat and the runners are so full of pride. Congratulations to all the runners out there that 2015 has brought (or will bring) about their first full or half marathon. My patient below is excited about training for another 4 months from now!!!

Hi Richard,

I hope all is well with you. I thought sharing the good news with you as I just competed my first 1/2 marathon (13miles) and this is mainly due to your services providing me the right podiatric soles! So I am very happy of accomplishing this first challenge which seemed to be a bridge too far at the beginning!

Thanks again!

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